Resoruces for learning about RNNs, LSTMs, and Torch
Here’s a very partial list of resources that might come in handy.
Torch and Lua
- The Lua manual.
- Documentation for Torch.
- Paper introducing Torch.
- Documentation for nn.
- nngraph library.
- Penlight, a python-inspired library for Lua.
- cutorch documentation for using GPUs with Torch.
Recurrent neural nets, including LSTMs
- Wojciech Zaremba’s LSTM implementation, on which I based my own.
- Andrej Karpathy’s blog post, The unreasonable effectiveness of recurrent nerual networks
- Yoshua Bengio’s Practical recommendations for gradient-based training of deep architectures.
- A deep learning with Torch slidedeck by Jimmy Ba at the University of Toronto.
- Alex Graves formulation of LSTMs, which I follow.